Qt Mobility Declarative Mapviewer Example
When I run the Qt Mobility 1.1 Declarative Mapviewer Example I just get a blank blue screen with a dot in it. Apart from this, the app runs without error. I have also changed the default lat/lon in case it's in the Sea!.. but it still doesn't work.
Do I have to configure something extra to get maps working? (under Ubuntu, mobility 1.1 Qt 4.7.1).
You are over water. Try this:
@ Map {
id: map
plugin : Plugin {
name : "nokia"
size.width: parent.width
size.height: parent.height
mapType: Map.SatelliteMapDay
zoomLevel: 7
center: Coordinate {
latitude : 40.482209
longitude : -89.489779
center : Coordinate {
latitude : 40.482209
longitude : -89.489779
color: green
radius : 1000.0
center : Coordinate {
latitude : 40.482209
longitude : -89.489779
radius : 500.0
color : "green"
center : Coordinate {
latitude : 40.482209
longitude : -89.489779
color : "red"
radius: 300} MapRectangle{ bottomRight : Coordinate { latitude : 40.5 longitude : -89.5 } topLeft : Coordinate { latitude : 40.4 longitude : -89.4 } } } MouseArea { anchors.fill : parent property bool mouseDown : false property int lastX : -1 property int lastY : -1 hoverEnabled : true onPressed : { mouseDown = true lastX = mouse.x lastY = mouse.y } onReleased : { mouseDown = false lastX = -1 lastY = -1 } onPositionChanged: { if (mouseDown) { var dx = mouse.x - lastX var dy = mouse.y - lastY map.pan(-dx, -dy) lastX = mouse.x lastY = mouse.y } } onDoubleClicked: { map.center = map.toCoordinate(Qt.point(mouse.x, mouse.y)) map.zoomLevel += 1 } } Keys.onPressed: { if (event.key == Qt.Key_Plus) { map.zoomLevel += 1 } else if (event.key == Qt.Key_Minus) { map.zoomLevel -= 1 } else if (event.key == Qt.Key_T) { if (map.mapType == Map.SatelliteMapDay) { map.mapType = Map.SatelliteMapDay } else if (map.mapType == Map.SatelliteMapDay) { map.mapType = Map.SatelliteMapDay } } }
Great, solved thanks