Error when trying to display processed data
Hello, I am making a program, which basically takes values which would represent points, and will compute the maximum sub-array of these points. The layout is simple -> a QLabel which will eventually show the result, a QLineEdit where the user will enter his text and a QPushButton which will trigger the slot.
The Slot will do 3 things:
It will read the user input. Since the LineEdit returns a string, and the numbers are originally seperated by a string, we will think up of a way to deal with that.
We will store this information in a vector. -
In order for us to be able to implement the Max_Subarray algorithm, we need to compute the data. We Will use a new vector, where we will store the data. The new vector will have 1 less element than the old one and the way we will compute it is the following. We will start from 1 until the end of the vector and we will substract the i-1'th element from the ith element.
Now that we can process the data we will run a version of the maximum subarray algorithm (there are several, I have implemented an iterative linear time one)
Set the value of the label of the sum.
All should be well, but I have a mistake somewhere. I am getting wierd output. Sometimes 0, sometimes very long numbers... I am aplying the function.
One final thing:
QVector<int> vec;
QVector<int> comp;
These guys are declared in the header file.
Oh also, here is an example user input: 10, 5, 6, 3@void MainWindow :: compute()
// Read user input
QString numbers = ui->lineEdit->text();
QString tmp; // create temp string which will be used to store the temp substrings of each int
numbers+=" ";
for(int i = 0; i < numbers.length()-1; i++)
tmp +=numbers[i];
bool ok = true;
int iTime = tmp.toInt(&ok, 10);
//compute the real vector that we will search the max subarray from
for(int i = 1; i < vec.size(); i++)
comp.push_back(vec[i] - vec[i-1]);
}//compute the max subarray int max_sum = -9999; int sum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < comp.size(); i++) { sum += comp[i]; if(sum > max_sum) max_sum = sum; if(sum < 0) sum = 0; } // print the answer (sum); ui->label->setText(QString::number(sum));
@ -
Nothing to do with Qt.
You are expecting your example input to get sum = 1 but you will be getting sum = 0
because you have incorrectly implemented "Kadane's algorithm": It's important to return the maximum sum, not the last sum.
int kadanes(const QVector<int> &comp)
int max_ending_here(0);
int max_so_far(0);
foreach(int x, comp) {
max_ending_here = qMax(0, max_ending_here + x);
max_so_far = qMax(max_so_far, max_ending_here);
return max_so_far;
@BTW: Are you emptying comp and vec between runs? Is there a reason these vectors are not local variables?
I found the reason for the bug- > there was one extra zero at the end of the vector after the reading of the input is over. Just pop_back the vector and the code will work.
And then there is the mistake which you pointed out.
The problem is solved, thank you for the help!