Am I using V8 engine?
I've run the following javascript benchmark in an Qt 5 application running a WebView and observe significant differences (factor 2.4) with Chromium (Google Chrome 26.0.1410.65): the Qt 5 application, I've created a new project from Qt Creator by using the "Qt Quick 2 Application" wizard and replaced the main.qml by:
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtWebKit 3.0Rectangle {
width: 1024
height: 768WebView{
url: ""
anchors.fill: parent
@The Qt 5.0.0 64 bits application was compiled on Mac OS X 10.7.5 in Release mode with llvm 4.2 on Intel 2.2 GHz i7.
The scores are the following:
- Qt 5 app: 5461 (Qt 5.0.0), Debug mode scores around 4800
- Safari: 8630 (Version 6.0.3 - 7536.28.10)
- Google Chrome: 13208 (Version 26.0.1410.65)
The following test report 'JSC' for Qt 5 app (may be this test is not that rock solid): it possible to have V8 running with a WebView?
V8 support was abandoned.
But you can try to break the rules: