Dates for DevDays 2011?
[quote author="ryocchin" date="1305685112"]Are they going to have this conference in San Francisco this year too?[/quote]
Eagerly waiting for that answer :)
At Qt Contributor Summit today Alexandra said that the date for DevDays in SF is not set yet. You will have to wait a bit longer I am afraid.
The Developer Days in SF have just been announced:
It will be from 29 November to 1 December 2011.
Read more here:
- David Stone in "Qt Blog":
- "Dev Days 2011 home page":
on the DevDays page there is some bug :-)
The Hotel is for DevDays 2011, not 2010 and the price is 139 not 129 (That's what the Hotel told me, as I called them).
[quote author="David Talmage" date="1311180142"]Is there a discount code for the hotel? I'm booking on line from the USA.[/quote]
I think you should call directly the hotel for discount as advices at the "official site":
bq. Please book your hotel stay with the preferential rate by calling the hotel. Remember to mention Qt Developer Days to get the stated rate.
[quote author="David Talmage" date="1311180813"]Thanks. I missed that.[/quote]
You are welcome. See you there :)