Newbie:Doubt on QML coding.
Dear all,
I am a newbie in Qt.
I have symbian application development background.I need to learn more on QML.
My doubt is when i try to run some sample codes given in the tutorial,keywords like 'Background','MediumText','Button' etc are not taking,compilation error occured(showing as "Background is not a type").
On top of the code i have added import Qt 4.7 ,anything else is required.please help me..
tnks in advance,
remesh -
MediumText, Button are not standard components of QML you need create this components first before use it, check this article "Getting Started Programming with QML": , is a good starting point
[quote author="remeshothera" date="1292950685"]Dear all,
I am a newbie in Qt.
I have symbian application development background.I need to learn more on QML.
My doubt is when i try to run some sample codes given in the tutorial,keywords like 'Background','MediumText','Button' etc are not taking,compilation error occured(showing as "Background is not a type").
On top of the code i have added import Qt 4.7 ,anything else is required.please help me..
tnks in advance,
remesh[/quote]Which is the above mentioned sample you are referring to.
Thank u all for u r quick response....
One more doubt to clarify...
Is it possible to access system capabilities like Camera,Telephony,Calender etc using QML?
If yes plz give me the documentation..
remesh -
The documentation (and implementation) isn't 100% complete yet, but here you go: instance, I couldn't find documentation for the Camera QML object, but here's an example that uses it: -
[quote author="remeshothera" date="1293086324"]Thank u all for u r quick response....
One more doubt to clarify...
Is it possible to access system capabilities like Camera,Telephony,Calender etc using QML?
If yes plz give me the documentation..
remesh[/quote]QML is mostly recommended for UI. So you can try a combination of Qt C++ and QML to access the said system capabilities.
thanks once again...
[quote author="qtrahul" date="1293090092"]There are so many articles available in this web for the new developer, So, you can try it.
And also run the code.And start developing. [/quote]
Its obvious from his post that he tried to run the code and started development using QML.