Qt Creator 2.0.1 Windows
What examples do you mean? Qt examples? They are not distributed with QtCreator, only with Qt SDK.
bonzadog: We need to cater for different people:-)
Qt Creator is just "Qt Creator":http://qt.nokia.com/products/developer-tools?currentflipperobject=821c7594d32e33932297b1e065a976b8 without anything else. This is ideal for the guys that build their own Qt.
Then there is the "Qt SDK":http://qt.nokia.com/downloads: It contains Qt for the desktop and Qt Creator. That is mostly likely what you want.
Finally there is "Nokia QT SDK":http://www.forum.nokia.com/info/sw.nokia.com/id/e920da1a-5b18-42df-82c3-907413e525fb/Nokia_Qt_SDK.html: It contains Qt versions for all kinds of Nokia devices plus Qt Creator. A desktop Qt version is not included here.