BorderImages and transparency in images
Here is the button:
! button)!
The application background is dark, when it is used in a ButtonImage, the corners are always white, not transparent. Is there something wrong with the PNG format or is it a code thing?
@ BorderImage {
id: buttonImage
source: "images/ButtonBorder.sci"
width: container.width; height: container.height
@border.left: 4 4
border.bottom: 4
border.right: 4
source: ButtonBorder.png
@ -
just add
color: "transparent"
in ButtonBorder.sci
You shouldn't need to do anything special, it should "just work" (testing with a black background on OS X, the above image in a BorderImage worked fine for me -- no white corners). What platform and graphics system (raster, opengl, etc) are you using?