Unable to display items of QListWidget
I have a problem in displaying the QListWidget ..
When i have create the QListWidget from the drag and drop menu..and used like this
@ui->listWidget->addItem("Hello") @
,its working fyn and displaying int the form when i execute.
But if i do the same in this manner,
@QListWidgetItem q1=new QListWidgetItem("hello",list,i);
ui->listWidgetItem->addItem(q1); @
The above code compiles with no errors,but in the list widget i am unable to find the item.
Does anyone please sort out this problem..
Thanks in advance....
[edit: Code highlighting / Vass]
[quote author="VCsala" date="1292775020"]I was thinking on the same but I am really suprised that it provides clean compile...[/quote]
Me too, I tested it just. My compiler said:
conversion from ‘QListWidgetItem*’ to non-scalar type ‘QListWidgetItem’ requested -
i forgot to put a * there,i actually put it in my program,missed it out here..
it is
QListWidgetItem *q1=new QListWidgetItem(“hello”,list,i);
@[edit: Code highlighting / Vass]
I think this should look something like this:
@QListWidgetItem *q1 = new QListWidgetItem("hello", ui->listWidget);@
And, according to the documentation, this will add the item to the list too, so it is not required to call the addItem.
If you have a sorted list, the above line has an undeterministic behaviour. In this case set the second paramater (parent) of the constructor to 0 and use ui->listWidget->insertItem(...) to insert the new item.
I sorted out the problem..