Qt Creator debugger freezes on Mac OS X 10.8.3 with latest GDB from Apple...
I've been using Qt for years, and after upgrading GCC and GDB tools from Apple, debugging has become absurdly slow. Activity Monitor shows Qt Creator running at 100% or more and it will stop responding entirely after stepping through a few lines of code.
What is going on?
Same thing is happening with me on Mac OS 10.7.5 after i updated the GDB tools from XCode. Its completely blocking the development. Even after stopping the debugging editor becomes too slow to take key strokes.
Did you "file a bug report":https://bugreports.qt-project.org/ ?
The bug report is Qt Creator QTCREATORBUG-9031. If anyone is having this problem, please seek out my bug report and any information that you think pertains to the issue.
I posted the bug but it has yet to even be reviewed. Can anyone else confirm that the problem exists? Or does anyone have any thoughts about it will take to get the powers that be to take a look?
I just upgraded to 5.0.1 with Clang, and I can now confirm that the problem exists here as well. Has anyone else been having this problem?
I just wanted to close out this thread by saying that Qt Creator 2.8 has clearly fixed the issue for me. I'm now back to the happy days of compiling and debugging inside of Creator.