Getting a .pro file to work for both Visual Studio 2008 and Qt Creator
[quote author="scarleton" date="1292697100"]Why is it sometime folks cannot see the obvious! It is working fine, the error message I get from running it is my applications obscure message that the correct command line parameters where not passed in. Now to figure out how to set command line options for debugging![/quote]
Sorry, I cannot see any kind of error message. At worst some compiler warnings.
Scarleton, VCsala: Any ideas for a better place to put those settings? I thought the place they are now is rather obvious...
[quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1292707921"]Scarleton, VCsala: Any ideas for a better place to put those settings? I thought the place they are now is rather obvious...[/quote]Once I started to really look for it, it was obvious. But then I am coming from the Visual Studio world. The very first place I looked for it was by right clicking on the very root of the solution tree and looked for Project Settings.
What would be cool is if that option exists and when the user clicked on it that way, the <Projects> button on the left would flash as it became active to draw folks attention to it. Hopefully one or two times folks would get with the program.
scarleton: I actually like that idea:-) I'll look into it once I find some time to do so. I am currently a bit busy refactoring some code and want to get that done first.
Maybe you could file your suggestion in our "issue tracker": so it won't be forgotten?
[quote author="Gerolf Reinwardt" date="1292747656"]Personally, I like context menus and options there and it could help to have an additional entry forwarding to the projects page, yes.[/quote]
Exactly, this is what I missed at the beginning, right clicking on a project and reach all related properties.
Create an entry in the bug tracker and vote for it instead of going "+1" here...
Tobias Hunger, I do it. Link:
I also throw in my vote:)
there is another thread I started, which resulted in feature request. Maybe it is something you would like some votes, too: