PySide: Python for Qt version 1.0.0~beta2 "Mineshaft gap" released
The PySide team is happy to announce the second beta release of PySide: Python for Qt. New versions of some of the PySide toolchain components (API Extractor and Shiboken) have been released as well.
This is a source code release only; we hope our community packagers will be providing provide binary packages shortly. To acquire the source code packages, refer to our "download wiki page": or pull the relevant tagged versions from our "git repositories":
Major changes since 1.0.0~beta1
PySide now supports exposing list-like properties to QML using QDeclarativeListProperty. Documentation is still rather sparse, but refer to the "example": to see a how it works.
Other than the QML work, we have been working on fixing outstanding bugs. Since beta1, a total of 16 high-priority bugs have been fixed. See the list of fixed bugs at the end of this message.
Note for Windows users
While preparing the release, we noticed at the last minute a regression that only occurs on Windows ("bug 554": Due to insufficient time for fixing the bug, we decided to move forward with the release nevertheless. We will provide a separate patch for fixing the Windows regression within the next few days.
Path towards 1.0 release
There are still plenty of outstanding bugs in our "Bugzilla":ttp:// To
improve our quality in a controlled fashion, we plan to do probably a couple more beta releases after the current one. Due to the holiday season, the next release will be three weeks from now, but after that we'll return to two-week release cadence until 1.0.About PySide
PySide is the Nokia-sponsored Python Qt bindings project, providing access to not only the complete Qt 4.7 framework but also Qt Mobility, as well as to generator tools for rapidly generating bindings for any Qt-based libraries.
The PySide project is developed in the open, with all facilities you'd expect from any modern OSS project such as all code in a "git repository":, an open "Bugzilla": for reporting bugs, and an "open design process": We welcome any contribution without requring a transfer of copyright.
List of bugs fixed
383 qelapsedtimer_wrapper.cpp: No such file or directory
415 phonon bindings does not build
468 Segfaults, segfaults and more segfaults
489 PySide.QtGui.QImage with string buffer argument
491 pyside doesn't respect BUILD_TESTS
500 If an instance of QPrintDialog is created a deadlock happens on
505 CppObject was destroyed before del be called
508 qmltopy1 crashes when setContextProperty is called twice
without keeping a reference
512 QGridLayout::getItemPosition() is not available
513 Hardcoded bool return type for operator overloads
517 Documentation for QtDeclarative is not linked in contents.html,
518 The file "genindex.html" is not found (linked from
524 Debugging errors during work of createpackage.js on windows is
527 Two different PySide Wikis
542 New style signals/slots + curried functions: unexpected
argument during call
543 Regression: Signals with default values broken -
Good work, I definitely will give it a try