Menu and subMenu
I have a main menu that I need to update it in run time, I want to add a submenu to it whenever a special node is added to the scene so that the user can see the node name in the submenu and do some actions based on that. I searched a lot but couldn't find a good way to do this in my application. I will be glad if someone can help me with it.
You can use QAction to make new action and add it to the menu with addAction function and you can connect to triggered signal to do some action.
QAction *action = new QAction(tr("New Sub Menu"),this);
action->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_M);
connect(action, SIGNAL(triggerSignalHere()), this, SLOT(youSlotHere()));
@ -
Thanks for the answer but I want to have sth like this:
a main menu with the following:
Move to right
Move to left
Add to ....where add to... is a sub menu containing the following:
"Add to ..." :
processor 1
processor 2
."Add to .. " menu is added in real-time whenever a new processor is created in the graphicsscene. and I have to avoid adding "Add to.. " multiple times.
Take a look at this example. Maybe it will help you:
//of course don't use globals, this is just an example
QMenu* menu = new QMenu( someParent );
menu->addAction("Move to right");
menu->addAction("Move to left");
QAction* addEntry = menu->addAction("Add to...");QMenu* procmenu = new QMenu(...);
addEntry->setMenu(procmenu);void addProcessor()
procmenu->addAction("Processor " + QString::number(procmenu->actions().size() + 1));
}void showMenu(QPoint pt)
addEntry->setVisible( procmenu->actions().size() > 0 );
}//and then use it:
Similarly you can add removeProcessor() etc.