Animated cursor
Hiho everybody,
I'm programming a game with QT and the Irrlicht engine, and would like to animate the cursor in some cases.
I read in one thread that this could be achieved by changing the picture of the cursor every x milliseconds.
First of all, this doesn't seem the right way to me, I think there must be a way to do it without wasting that much cpu time.
The second problem is, that I want to make the cursor animation speed independent from the fps of the game.
So I can't check for the time passed in the main frame loop, and change the image of the cursor after x milliseconds, because if the game laggs, the cursor would lagg too.I tried it with the following command but without success
@app.setOverrideCursor((new QCursor((new QPixmap("../media/interface/cursor.gif")))));@I assume QPixmap can't be animated so maybe there is a type I can use with setOverrideCursor so that I can simply use an animated gif file.
Or maybe there is another function to change the cursor and set an animated file (movie, gif, ...)?I hope somebody can help me.
Best regards