Exposing enum values in Qt Quick Designer (with a nice combobox)
I wrote a simple plugin that exposes an enum property. It's a QtQuick2 extension plugin, loaded dynamically, and described by a plugin.qmltypes file, autogenerated using qmlplugindump.
Everything seems to work fine: I can use my QML custom widgets, I can assign the enum property in the QML, both via MyEnum.value1 or a string representing the enum value.
What I don't know is how t oexpose the property "myenum" in the designer pane of Qt Creator (v2.6.83 from git 2.7) so I can choose its value from a combobox containing all the possible enum values.
Am I missing something?
#include <QQuickItem>class MyItem : public QQuickItem
Q_DISABLE_COPY(MyItem)Q_PROPERTY(MyEnum myenum READ getMyEnum WRITE setMyEnum NOTIFY myEnumChanged DESIGNABLE true) Q_ENUMS(MyEnum)
MyItem(QQuickItem *parent = 0);
~MyItem();enum MyEnum { value1 = 0, value2, value3 }; void setMyEnum(MyEnum myNewEnum); MyEnum getMyEnum() const;
void myEnumChanged(MyEnum);private:
MyEnum m_myEnum;
Module {
Component {
name: "MyItem"
defaultProperty: "data"
prototype: "QQuickItem"
exports: ["MyItem 1.0"]
Enum {
name: "MyEnum"
values: {
"value1": 0,
"value2": 1,
"value3": 2
Property { name: "myenum"; type: "MyEnum" }
Signal {
name: "myEnumChanged"
Parameter { type: "MyEnum" }
@ -
I would be interested in that too. If nothing else works I would expose it as an int and communicate the values by tooltip but that is a little bit unsatisfactory.