How to pass QAbstractListModel derived class to QML using setProperty?
On QML side I have an element, that contains a ListView plus some additional elements like scroll bars, control buttons etc.
On C++ side I have a QObjectList of some items that I'm passing to my QML object using:
QObject* qObject = myView->findObject<QObject*>("myObjectName");
qObject->setProperty("myModel", QVariant::fromValue((QObjectList) *pointerToMyList);
@Now I need to change my QObjectList to QAbstractListModel derived class, but I cannot find a way to pass a pointer to QML using qObject->setProperty. All the examples I saw, use the setContextProperty. I want to avoid that, because the name of my qObject I am receiving via network and I can have many ListViews on a single page. So using my way, I'm just finding a correct QML object on the view and then change its model.
So finally the question is: how can I pass the pointer (to the object of class derived from QAbstractListModel) to QML using qObject->setProperty method?
Thanks in advance,
kappa -