[SOLVED]What Module do I need to include in the .pro file to be able to use QPrinter and QPrintDialog?
I am trying to run the License Wizard Example that is located in this directory of the Qt SDK install: dialogs/licensewizard/licensewizard.cpp.
The compiler is complaining with the following output:
C:\Users\d\Desktop\pima qt\LicenseWizardExample\licensewizard.cpp:42: error: QPrinter: No such file or directory.I suspect that it is a module that i have not added to my .pro file so it is not finding the class.Here is my .pro file.
@#-------------------------------------------------Project created by QtCreator 2013-02-09T12:36:14
QT += core gui
greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
TARGET = LicenseWizardExample
licensewizard.cppHEADERS +=
licensewizard.hRESOURCES +=
@Any help?