[Cosed/Duplicate] QtWebView + D3 Javascript Visualization Library
Hi all,
So "D3":https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Gallery is a visualization library written in javascript for data visualizations on the web.
The goal is to try and expand qml's repertoire by allowing access to D3 via WebKit.
I can display a D3 graph (local html file) in a QtWebView via qml very simply.
url: "../../d3/scatter/index.html"
preferredWidth: window.height
preferredHeight: window.width
smooth: true
@On the D3 side we have a few files:
index.html // Basically just calls the d3 javascript
d3code.js // Javascript code
d3.v3.js // The D3 library
@The question is how do i communicate with the d3code.js file from qml/qt or is it not possible because it will be in its own thread running in the webview. I suppose the hackish way is to share a file the two would use to share data and make a lock of some sort.
Thanks guys and Long live Qt!
Just realized i should have posted this in Qt WebKit. Will move it there.