Custom button bug
Two files.
@import QtQuick 2.0
Rectangle {
property alias enabled: mouseArea.enabled
signal clicked()width: 100; height: 30 color: "lightgray" function f() { if (mouseArea.enabled) if (mouseArea.pressed) return "down"; else if (mouseArea.containsMouse) return "over"; else return "active"; else return "disabled"; } Text { id: image anchors.centerIn: parent text: f() } MouseArea { id: mouseArea anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true onClicked: parent.clicked() }
@import QtQuick 2.0
Item {
width: 300; height: 200
focus: trueButton { id: button1 } Keys.onDigit1Pressed: button1.enabled = !button1.enabled
@Button.qml is a simple button, which has a 4 states: normal, pressed, disabled and with mouse pointer over it. Button shows text inside itself depending of state.
Now run
@qmlviewer Main.qml@
- Place mouse over the button, and text become "over".
- Press key 1 (keyboard), and button become "disabled".
- Remove mouse from button, button still "disabled".
- Press key 1, and text become "over".
Step 4 is unexpected for me, because mouse is not over button already.
Any explanation?
Tested with Qt 4.8.4 and 5.0.1 for windows.
I think binding function call to a text property is ok, like any expression.
Problem is that containsMouse is not updated when MouseArea is disabled and enabled again.
There is a simpler program to show this.
@import QtQuick 1.1
Item {
width: 300; height: 200
focus: trueMouseArea { id: mouseArea anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true } Text { text: "enabled: " + mouseArea.enabled + "; containsMouse: " + mouseArea.containsMouse } Keys.onDigit1Pressed: mouseArea.enabled = !mouseArea.enabled
If move mouse to window, disable mouse area by pressing 1, then move mouse from window and enable mouse area by pressing 1 again, it shows that containsMouse stays true.