[SOLVED]How to write onMinimunScaleCange event handler on PinchArea
in PinchArea property pinch.minimunScale.
i want to run script when change the minmunScale.
I know, properties has "on<property name>Changed" event handler.
but, Cant written onMinimunScaleChanged.How write event handler of minimumScale property changed?
Hi dFrontia,
bq. but, Cant written onMinimunScaleChanged.
What do you mean ? You cannot write it in place, or you wrote it but it didn't worked ?
If you cannot edit the component containing the PinchArea, then you can use a Connections object to handle the onMinimumScaleChanged. Have a look at the "QML Connections page":http://doc.qt.digia.com/4.7-snapshot/qml-connections.html
That would look like
Connections {
target: pinchArea
onMinimumScaleChanged {
// Handle here
@ -
Thanks for replay.
your replay has big hit!
This has been resolved.
correct code is....
@ PinchArea{
anchors.fill: parent//minimumScale are enclosed in "pinch" -refer to PinchArea. pinch.minimumScale: width/height onWidthChanged: { console.debug("It came! width") } //How to write a successful Connections{ target: panelBase.pinch onMinimumScaleChanged :{ console.debug("It came onMinimunScaleChange!!") } } // I was challenged in the following description. // Cannot assign to non-existent propery //onMinimumScaleChanged :{ // consle.debug("It NOT came...") //} }
I'm glad it solved your problem !
But I'm also very intrigued it doesn't work in the first place. The "Connections" object do the exact same. In your sample you wrote "consle.debug", missing a "o". I guess in the real code you wrote it correctly ?
I had misspelled "console".
But it does not matter.Following error when you perform a QML Viewer than that.
@D:\Qt\4.8.4\bin\qmlviewer.exe D:/DEV/Demo/PinchAreaTest/PinchAreaTest.qml を起動中
file:///D:/DEV/Demo/PinchAreaTest/PinchAreaTest.qml:28:9: Cannot assign to non-existent property "onMinimumScaleChanged"
onMinimumScaleChanged :{
@If the error has not occurred, would have pointed out errors are displayed.