2dog/BangBang -- a Qt4 2D hobbyist game
My wife and I made a 2d game in Qt4 for the One Game A Month challenge. Our project page for the game is at:
"https://sites.google.com/site/tersestcom/2dog/1gam/bangbang":https://sites.google.com/site/tersestcom/2dog/1gam/bangbangAnd here is a video of the gameplay: "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DcYnvgT-T8":http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DcYnvgT-T8
...we had some problems rendering .svg graphics, as well as some problems with getting .mp3 files to play with Phonon in our distributable, although everything works fine on the machines we build on. Apparently we're not including all the .dll files we need to, although we looked at it with Qt Depends and tried to include everything... to be honest, I pulled two all-nighters in a row trying to get it finished by the end of January, so I was pretty exhausted by that time. :-)
We would greatly appreciate it if anyone could download the distributable and try it out, and let us know if there are any bugs, if you can hear the background music, or any feedback you might have. You can download the zip file at:
"https://drive.google.com/#folders/0B6O6WknLl9cDTjdwa0dNcnliNlk":https://drive.google.com/#folders/0B6O6WknLl9cDTjdwa0dNcnliNlkThanks very much!
--robert holder -
This is a news, when works without plugins folder?
[quote author="Andre" date="1360058594"]You don't need the plugins folder in between. So, use this instead:
application folder/imageformats/qsvg4.dll
application folers/phonon_backend/phonon_ds94.dll