Qt_urlRecode -> recode() method returns strange values
7B and 7D are hex code for { and }.
I did this code and everything is ok. In output I have { and }.
QUrl url;
url.setFragment( "{8fee84ac-c008-458e-a68a-898803cc2c75}" );qDebug() << "Default: " << url.fragment(); qDebug() << "Return fully decoded: " << url.fragment( QUrl::FullyDecoded );
Paste the code where you have a issue.
If you put working example on which will see your issue then we will try solve a problem. You can't make:
url.setFragment( uuid );
because result is:
error: no matching function for call to 'QUrl::setFragment(QUuid&)'
@Why you need a { } in path? Where are you using this path?
Maybe you are doing something odd in code.