QTreeView->setRowHidden() does not work
Despite trying many combinations to call setRowHidden() that method always fail silently without any kind of error.
After banging my head against this for hours I took a look at the implementation file qtreeview.cpp and realized that there are two checks at the beginning of this method:@if (!d->model) return;@
@if (!index.isValid()) return;@
Unfortunately there is no easy way for me to know under which condition (if any) I fall in?
Below is my call to that function and also the body of QTreeView::setRowHidden().
my method call:
standardItem->setBackground(QColor::fromRgb(210,210,210)); //this line works just fine so I know standardItem is my item
ui->treeView->setRowHidden(standardItem->index().row(), standardItem->parent()->index(), true); //this does nothing???
@Body of setRowHidden():
void QTreeView::setRowHidden(int row, const QModelIndex &parent, bool hide)
if (!d->model) return;
QModelIndex index = d->model->index(row, 0, parent);
if (!index.isValid()) return;
if (hide) {
} else if(d->isPersistent(index)) { //if the index is not persistent, it cannot be in the set
@Requirement is I need to dynamically hide/show some of the rows while maintaining the structure of the underlying Model attached to the QTreeView.
Any help in figuring that out would be much appreciated.
Thanks :-) -
Where do you set the model on the treeview? Are you sure that model is valid by the time you want to set the row as hidden?