Using QSqlQuery bindValue()
I've just started using Qt 4.6. I have the following code:
@User *UserMapper::getByUsername(QString username)
// Get user from database.
QString sql = "select username, password from users "
"where username = :username";
QSqlQuery query;
if (false == query.prepare(sql)) {
qDebug("Failed to prepare query.");
return 0;
}query.bindValue("username", username);
@However, it does not compile:
bq. error C2664: 'void QSqlQuery::bindValue(const QString &,const QVariant &,QSql::ParamType)' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'QString' to 'const QVariant &'
I must be missing something very obvious. Do I have to manually convert the QString to QVariant? How do I do that?
Have you tried using "QVariant(username)" instead of using "username" directly? The conversion should actually happen implicitly... maybe you forgot to include the QVariant header?
Can you edit your first post Please in order to let other know that this problem was Solved. Just Add [SOLVED] in front of the main title
[quote author="arsinte_andrei" date="1408621013"]Can you edit your first post Please in order to let other know that this problem was Solved. Just Add [SOLVED] in front of the main title[/quote]
Why do you kick the topic alive again after more than four years just to add that off-topic comment?
sorry it was my fault - I've been searching for something and I did not realise the date... I was ready to answer to this problem because Ihad even myself some trouble with bindValue when I've realised that it was already answered ( please note that I did not look at the date - but is a good lesson for me - it will never repeat again sorry )