[SOLVED] Failed to load platform plugin.
It is actually platform s /qwindows.dll, not platform/qwindows.dll. Be aware that you will have to deploy platforms/qwindows d .dll if you are deploying a debug build.
With these changes, do you still get <code>Failed to load platform plugin "windows". Available platforms are:</code>?
[quote author="Lukas Geyer" date="1357301238"]It is actually platform s /qwindows.dll, not platform/qwindows.dll.[/quote]
Yea, my typo
[quote author="Lukas Geyer" date="1357301238"]Be aware that you will have to deploy platforms/qwindows d .dll if you are deploying a debug build.
With these changes, do you still get <code>Failed to load platform plugin "windows". Available platforms are:</code>?[/quote]
I tried both debug and release builds with libraries with/without debugging symbols. It's still same.
[quote author="Lukas Geyer" date="1357305345"]Using the <code>-platformpluginpath</code> command line option or the <code>QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH</code> environment variable might be another option, but Qt should pickup the plugin automatically when placed in the correct location.[/quote]
It is there, I copied everything beside the program executable. I believe it's in visible scope for linkage. The problem might be related to msvcrt .
qwindows.dll shouldn't be in the same dir as the executable. Put it in the platforms subdirectory.
[quote author="Krzysztof Kawa" date="1357310438"]qwindows.dll shouldn't be in the same dir as the executable. Put it in the platforms subdirectory.[/quote]
Ah my bad memory :P In fact I have had same problem with paths for mysql driver on windows... Now works fine.Thank you
[quote author="Lukas Geyer" date="1357298812"]Did you deploy platform/qwindows.dll as well? (It will not show up in Dependency Walker).[/quote]
FWIW: DLL's that are loaded at runtime, like Plug-in DLL's, do show up in Dependency Walker, but only when you use the "profiling" feature. They of course cannot be found by only analyzing the static import tables...
Looks like you have to create "platforms" directory in folder, were your program runs. For example, I have "debug" folder in my project, and I copied "platforms" directory there from "c:\Qt\Qt5.0.1\5.0.1\mingw47_32\plugins". This solved my problem.
Also you can copy other plugins if needed.
Hi. I did as you said and it worked! thanks!