Qt Creator - Linking in 2.6.0
I am unable to add any library. Currently I want to use glfw in qtcreator. Its compiled under mingw.
I added the following lines in the .pro file
@INCLUDEPATH += C:/glfw/include
LIBS += -LC:/glfw/lib-mingw@But when I compile the glfw hello world program I get tons of different undefined reference errors. So I guess the linking didn't work. Where is the mistake?
One thing for sure the LIBS declaration is not complete. Checkout "qmake-libs":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qmake-variable-reference.html#libs You have only the path declaration with the capital 'L'. You need to specify also the lib itself with lower case 'l'.
The only things I would try is to make sure that:
- qmake was run after changes to .pro.
- Making sure that the same MinGW version was used for compilation of the lib and the my code.
- Since the project is still rather small, you can easily do a complete rebuild.
- It looks like there is only a release version of the lib available. AFAIK you may mix debug and release version, but I do not myself. So I would try to avoid.
Otherwise I am lost here.