Sort System Drives via QSortFilterProxyModel
I just want to know which function of QSortFilterProxyModel class is used to sort the local and removable drives in system. Basically I am working on a app where I am using treeview and I need to sort them in a order.
Here is the code:
@pSystemPrimaryModel = new QFileSystemModel(this);
pSystemPrimaryModel->setFilter( QDir::AllDirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot );// Sets the model for the view to present.
ui->PrimTreeView->setModel(pSystemPrimaryModel);// Just Display NAME and hide other Columns
for(int nCount = 1; nCount < pSystemPrimaryModel->columnCount(); nCount++)
ui->PrimTreeView->hideColumn(nCount);@This displays drives in a regular manner as follows:
@Name:- C:
- New Volume(D:)
- New Volume(E:)
- SD_Card(F:)
- Transcend Drive(G:)@
Basically I want to display it like follows:
@+ Local Folder- C:
- New Volume(D:)
- New Volume(E:)
- Removable Drives
- SD_Card(F:)
- Transcend Drive(G:)@