[SOLVED] QSettings Codec Problem
Hi all,
I try to read the values from an ini file using by QSettings. That file includes Turkish characters (İ, ç, ğ, etc). I can't solve this problem although I've used setIniCodec. What can the problem be?
@ QSettings mSettings("params.ini", QSettings::IniFormat);
mSettings.setIniCodec("ISO 8859-9");
QStringList mAliases = mSettings.value("SerialNumbers/AliasList").toString().split(",");
@The content of Ini file:
AliasList="TSD,YBS,İAS"The values of mAliases: TSD, YBS, \460AS
Thanks a lot for your helps and clarification.
Thanks Galactik. I've tried your advice as the following below. The result string has been "TSD, YBS, ?AS".
I've noticed that ini file encoded by ANSI using by notepad++. I've converted to UTF-8 but the result string is empty after the encoding modification. How can I solve this problem?
QSettings mSettings("params.ini", QSettings::IniFormat);
mSettings.setIniCodec("ISO 8859-9");
QByteArray mList = mSettings.value("SerialNumbers/AliasList").toByteArray();
QString string = QString::fromUtf8(mList);
@Thanks advance for your helps
Thanks Galactik.
The problem has been solved by using QTextCodec::setCodecForCStrings.
I meet the similar issue, but i have chinese in ini file.
QT5 already remove QTextCodec::setCodecForCStrings.
Do you have some resolution?