Unsuccessfully post Event
Hi guys,
I wanna post a QWheelEvent to QPlaintextEditor which is in a QVBoxLayout, but it does not work, I can not get that event. Welcome any ideas
@ShowD::ShowD( QWidget *parent )
: QDialog( parent )
// Disables the "?" What's This button from the dialog.
setWindowFlags( Qt::Dialog | Qt::WindowTitleHint );setFocusPolicy( Qt::StrongFocus );
// this dialog is built from code (no FORM [*.ui] file).
resize( 700, 600 );setWindowTitle( tr( "Legal" ) );
myVerticalLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
myVerticalLayout->setContentsMargins( 6, 6, 6, 6 );myTextEdit = new QPlainTextEdit( this );
// set editor to read-only (no editing allowed)
myTextEdit->setReadOnly( true );
myTextEdit->setEnabled( true );// add the text edit to the layout
myVerticalLayout->addWidget( myTextEdit );
}@@ QPoint pos = QPoint( 10, 10 );
QApplication::postEvent( myTextEdit, new QWheelEvent( pos, 120, Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoModifier ) );
@ -
Install event filter for myTextEdit, no need to post events. Read more on "QObject::installEventFilter":http://qt-project.org/doc/QObject.html#installEventFilter
Sorry it seems I misunderstood your question. If you want to control the scroll bar position you can just do this:
@QScrollBar *tQScrollBar = myTextEdit->verticalScrollBar();
tQScrollBar->setValue(120);@Or maybe your intention is something else..