Best modern OpenGL book for Qt development
I'm approaching OpenGL development through the Qt OpenGL wrapper, as I like Qt but am finding OpenGL has a confusing number of legacy interfaces.
Please can a Qt developer who has knowledge of modern OO OpenGL techniques advise the best modern OpenGL books to compliment Qt development. Online resources are of interest but in the main I'm looking for an excellent modern book on OpenGL that's compatible and forward looking.
There's a pretty good book wich the author uses Qt toolkit for the examples "": however it's not begginer level, and the author does not use Qt wrapper's. This is good because you can learn the "plataform independ" opengl.
The best book IMO for learning modern OpenGL would be "": its about OpenGL ES, but you can reuse all that for the "new" deskop opengl programming shaders. -
I got this to support my 3D efforts a while ago and must say it is put together very well :
Its not strictly about opengl (although most of the examples have opengl examples) but gives an exceptionally good idea about the big picture.