Configuring executable for a (qml)project in Qt Creator 2.6 without Qt libraries installed
Is there way to configure a project in Qt Creator without Qt libraries or a compiler installed? Right now it demands a valid kit.
I have a case where I'd like designers to work on QML only. They do not need to compile anything, thus requiring Qt libs and compiler installation looks an overkill.
It is possible to edit QML files in the editor of course, but not possible to assign an executable to run thus Ctrl+R isn't working. Running it from Tools is awkward.
Any suggestions?
The answer is: It depends.
A kit does not need to have a Qt version set up. So no problem there. But if you want to work on a qmake-based project, then you need to point creator to the qmake executable it is supposed to use. The only way to do so is to set up a Qt version using that qmake and assigning it to a kit... CMake, autotools and generic projects will work fine.
A "valid Qt installation" from the Qt Creator point of view will require the qmake binary, the mkspecs that qmake uses as well as the QtCore library. Everything else should not be necessary IIRC.
Tobias, thank you for reply.
However I found out today that my "solution" via qmlproject doesn't work either (had to test it better)."Screenshot of Qt Creator's qmlproject configuration without kit":
qmlproject does not need qmake; it uses custom executable, which cannot be configured unless there is a qmake. I find it a logical bug. Deploy and run configurations must be allowed even if no valid kits are present.
As you can see from screenshot, there's no menu under "Add" button, which is there, if a kit is configured properly.