Which configure Flags do the precompiled Binaries have?
Look into file configure.cache. You will find flags there.
You can check how Qt was configured at $QMAKE_MKSPECS/qconfig.pri
If you don't know what is the content of QMAKE_MKSPECS, do:
@qmake -query QMAKE_MKSPECS@
If you compiled Qt, the flags used in the last configure are in <path to build dir>/config.status
I hope this helps you
Anselmo -
anselmolsm, in my Qt SDK instance at Windows machine I can see flags in this file.
Denis, cool. Now we have 3 different ways to find that information, in different scenarios (including when Qt was packaged by a Linux distro).
I did not know about configure.cache in Qt SDK, thanks =)
I downloaded the binary distribution of Qt and my qconfig.pri file contains this:
QT_CONFIG += release debug zlib png accessibility qt3support opengl s60 openssl ipv6 script scripttools xmlpatterns phonon phonon-backend multimedia audio-backend webkit native-gestures svg minimal-config small-config medium-config large-config full-config
And, what I've read seems to indicate that the Qt binary distribution is not built with OpenSSL enabled. So, can these flags possibly be accurate?