Removing transitions from a QState causes crash
I add two transitions to the state and build up a list of states thus:
@ Transitions.append(WelcomeState->addTransition(HelpSignalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(QString)), HelpState));
Transitions.append(WelcomeState->addTransition(GuiSignalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(QString)), BasicProdState));
@This works and on running the code, the transitions occur.
Later I want to remove the states but all attempts cause the application to crash, not at the point I remove the transitions but a couple of lines later. (If I comment out the code removing the states then the rest of the application continues to run ok)I have tried two methods to remove the transitions but the result is the same:
Either using the list I built up myself:
@ while (!Transitions.isEmpty()) {
}@Or using the transitions() method to gain the list of transitions:
@ QList<QAbstractTransition*> transitions = WelcomeState->transitions();
while (!transitions.isEmpty()) {
}@Any ideas as I can't see what I am doing wrong.
Have checked again just to be sure.
WelcomeState gets a value in the constructor@
WelcomeState = new QState();
@and this is the same when I reach
QList<QAbstractTransition*> transitions = WelcomeState->transitions();
@ -
I just checked that. For me, it works, when I do the remove-thing in the state you are reaching.
For example, when you have 3 transitions in state A and you go from state A to state B, you can remove the transitions from state A in state B.
Hope it helps.