Runtime Translation of Multiple Inheritance Approach Dialog
Hi i have the Problem of how to access the retranslateUI() function of an Dialog which i setup using the multiple Inheritance Approach:
my headerfile looks like this
#include "ui_servicemenu.h"class myservicemenu : public QDialog, public Ui::servicemenu
myservicemenu(QDialog *parent = 0);protected:
public slots:
void on_pushButton_clicked();private slots:
Constructor like this:
@myservicemenu::myservicemenu(QDialog *parent) : QDialog(parent)
now i want to access from the change Event in Mainwindow the retranslateUI() from my designer generated Ui_servicemenu, but i don't know how to achieve this.
@void MainWindow::changeEvent(QEvent* event)
if (event->type() == QEvent::LanguageChange)
//Here i wanna call the retranslateUi() of my servicemenu form
ui.retranslateUi(this);//<--this retranslates Mainwindow}
}@The retranslation of the MainWindow works but i also want to retranslate the servicemenu Dialog anyone has an advice?
thx in advance -
Hi, yes i did, i used te Example i found "here": and added my own new Dialog called servicemenu
When i add an extra changeEvent like:
@void myservicemenu::changeEvent(QEvent* event)
{if (event->type() == QEvent::LanguageChange) { retranslateUi(this); }
all my Dialogs get Translated but when i have a lots of Dialogs (>100) i need a change event for every Dialog instead of handling all in one Mainwindow::changeEvent?