QGraphicsPathItem does not get hover events when mouse button is pressed
My item only gets hover events when the mouse button is not pressed. This is also true if the item is selected. How can I get hover events all the time?
I figured out that
option->state & QStyle::State_MouseOver
@stays true if the mouse is pressed over an item and dragged. This happens even if I don't pass the mousePressEvent to the parent in this case. It seems that the scene is in some kind of move mode even though the item is not moveable.
I will do that as soon as it is solved. What I added is just more information but as far away from a solution as it can be.
Sorry guys but it is completely unclear to me what happens while I drag the mouse. The only mouse-related events I get are mouseMove, mousePress and mouseRelease of the QGraphicsScene. There are no drag events, hover events or anything else. Not from the item where I start to drag, not from the view...nothing.
I can drag items around if I set the correct flag but I don't want to drag this item. What I want to do is to change the colour of the item depending on some logic behind the scenes but without an event I would have to check the items under the mouse on every bit of movement and most of them are not colour changing ones so it would be a lot of overhead which is quite useless.
I am happy to override every method in every class but I have to know where and I cannot find it.
Any hints are more then welcome!