Filter filename in QDialog
Hello everyone,
I am trying to set a filter on the name of the files which are being shown by clicking on Open menu.
From one side I saved all the files on a directory. But on the other hand I saved the name of some of them in the Database. Now I want to have a QDialog which shows only the files, that their names existed already in Database. My problem is I want to set a filter that can filter my files. I don't know how I can manage this filter.I am looking forward for some tips.
How to filter the name in a QFileDialog
@QDate date = QDate::currentDate(); QString dateString = date.toString("yyyy-MM-dd"); QTime time = QTime::currentTime(); QString timeString = time.toString(); QFileDialog *fd = new QFileDialog; fd->selectFile(dateString + "_" + timeString + "_log.csv"); //<- sets the name of the file on the QFile dialog fd->setFilters(QStringList() << "*.csv"); //<- sets the filter of the extention file if (fd->exec()) //<- show the QFileDialog m_logFileName = fd->selectedFiles()[0]; //+ fd->selectedFilter(); // <- gets teh first of the file selected by the user qDebug() << m_logFileName; //<- show into the debug window the selected filename
I hope this code help you to understand.
Hello broadpeak,
I tried it but it does not work :( For example I have 4 files which have been saved in temp directory and just the name of two of them in the database (test_pro1,test_pro2). The code is as following:
QFileDialog dialog(this);
QStringList lst;
dialog.getOpenFileName(this,tr("Open the files"),QDir("temp").absolutePath());
@I currently read that by overriding proxymodel on QDir, the filtering would be possible. But it is not also exactly what I am looking for:(
Here is my code:
QFileDialog* dialog = new QFileDialog;
QStringList dbLst;
for (QStringList::iterator it = dbLst.begin();it != dbLst.end(); it++){
QString str = it;
dialog->setFilters(QStringList()<< ".cst");
I used the Iterator to see the content of my list,which of course is in this example is not useful.
QFileDialog* dialog = new QFileDialog;
QStringList dbLst;
dbLst<<"project1"<<"project2";// whats this for-loop for ?
for (QStringList::iterator it = dbLst.begin();it != dbLst.end(); it++){ QString str = *it; }
//you are not using setNameFilters and also you are handing over a stringlist containing only ".cst" as the parameter. I thought you were looking for names containing "project1" or "project2".
dialog->setFilters(QStringList()<< ".cst");
Please have a look at "the documentation": and think about want you want to achieve before wildly copying code together.
I think what I am looking for is hardly being solved by setting filter(at least I can not solve it with filter). I will write an extra class with inherits QDialog and try to write some methods to solve my problem.
Thank you all for taking your time to help me:)
Hello KA510,
You are right with *.cst(my fault). But it does not filter the name I am looking for it either. I may understand the filter in qt not correctly. By clicking on open menu, I was looking for to have a list of files which were filtered according to the existing list in database. So if I have 4 files in the directory which only two of them existed in database I wanted to show just this two files except the 4 files.
Try this one
QFileDialog* dialog = new QFileDialog;
QStringList dbLst;
or maybe you need this
QFileDialog* dialog = new QFileDialog;
dialog->setNameFilter(QString("My Files (project1.cst project2.cst)"));
@ -
AFAIK and without RTFM the name of the actual file (project1.cst) or the pattern (*.exe) must be enclosed by brackets.