OSX: app-icon of no-gui-app bounces for a few minutes in the dock
I'm about to deploy an application without a GUI or console-output. It works flawless but the application icon bounces all the time in the dock.
I read "here":http://blog.ivandemarino.me/2011/04/28/Need-to-ship-your-Qt-app-for-Mac-Bundle-it-up that by adding the following two lines to the Info.plist you can prevent the bouncing but it only disables the dock-icon completely which I don't want.
<string>1</string>@Any ideas?
AFAIK the dock icon bounces as long as the start of the application takes to load the NIB(s) and then start the event loop. The latter one should be your problem, you'll never enter any event loop.
Maybe you could trick the system by starting a Qt application that shows nothing 8)
Any progress here?