ASSERT failure in QMutex::lock caused by copy to clipboard
I added a simple button to my application that would copy some text to the clipboard.
If i press that button while using a debug build of my application (invoked from qtcreator), then when I close it down normally I get the following written to the Application Output a bunch of times.
Invalid parameter passed to C runtime function.
ASSERT failure in QMutex::lock: "Internal error, infinite wait has timed out.", file thread/qmutex.cpp, line 452
Invalid parameter passed to C runtime function.Additionally another part of the application does something similar, calling QPlainTextEdit.copy(), and if I execute that code, the same thing error text is output.
Is there something I'm doing wrong here?
No, I did not explicitly unlock mutex. I don't see anywhere in the documentation for "QClipboard":, or "QPlainTextEdit::copy()": where it says this is necessary.
Maybe it is necessary, though if thats the case it seems like an oversight in the documentation...
I'm having a very similar problem (perhaps even the same). I have a qtextedit, and when I copy the content using Ctrl+C and the shutdown the application I end up with the same assertions. You can work around this by clearing the clipboard when the application shuts down, but whats the correct way?
BR, Ulf.