List of lists model from c++ and view in qml
i want to make a list of lists
what i tried "but failed" so far
the model in c++ list inherits from qabstractlistmodel holds qlist of another class inherits also from qbastractlistmodel
the view in qml listview, its delegate is a listview
any better solutions plz help[Moderator's note: Moved to the Qt Quick forum -- mlong]
that's the main list
x: 1
y: 0
width: parent.width; height: parent.height-30
visible: true
orientation: ListView.Vertical
focus: true
ListMenu {
id: listMenu
focus: true
width: window.width
height: window.height/3
anchors.leftMargin: 10
anchors.rightMargin: 10
that's the delegate of the main list holding a list
ListView {
id: list1
x: 14
anchors.leftMargin: 20
width: parent.width
anchors.topMargin: 30
focus: true
orientation: ListView.Horizontal
Keys.onUpPressed: {horizontalList.decrement()}
Keys.onDownPressed: {horizontalList.increment()}
model: getModel(cuurentIndex) //retrive innermodel
cacheBuffer: 2000
delegate: ListViewDelegate {}
the outerModel is inherited from abstractlistmodel and holds an list of the innermodel which is also inherited from abstractlistmdodel[Edit: Added @ tags for code formatting -- mlong]