Add Data with a QPushButton to QTreeView
I have two QTreeViews. The first one is filled with Data. Now I want to select data from this view and add it by clicking on a QPushButton to a second QTreeView.
I know that I have to connect the QPushButton to a method that is adding the data. My problem is that I don't know how the method should look like.
Thanks for help.
Simply connect your pusshButton to the slot:
connect(this->btn_copy, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(copy_clicked()));
@in this slot just copy item from one treeview to another:
void YourClass::copy_clicked()
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Thanks for your reply.
I connected my button and wrote the copy_clicked() method but when I start my program I get this error:
Object::connect: No such slot MyClass::copy_clicked()
Object::connect: (sender name: 'btn_copy')
Object::connect: (receiver name: 'Dialog')What did I do wrong?
have you declared your slot in class declaration? Like:
private slots:
void copy_clicked();
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Have you read about signals and slots already? "Signals and slots":
I'm a beginner with Qt and programming with Python and PyQt. Therefore it's a bit complicated to rethink the c++ code in python and how to do everything right.
Because I became desperate with this problem I posted it here and thought that I can solve this problem. I'll read the "Signals and slots" article. Thanks.
Yes, addItem was just from my head... use right method to insert element to the treeview...
If you use QTreeWidget instead of QTreeView this method will already exist... (addItem, insertItem, etc...)