Accents in Qml
Hi, I'm having problems with international accents on Qt Quick. Here is an example:
And here is my code:
@Text {
id: corpo_texto
width: 152
height: 65text: "O mundo precisa se unir pra manter o #Wikileaks ativo e funcionando. Faz tempo que eu não vejo um grupo e uma iniciativa tão corajosos." wrapMode: "WordWrap"
How to solve this? Sorry if it's a basic question, but I found it anywere how to solve this on Qml.
Which encoding is your source file in? I think Qt Quick expects its strings in utf-8 encoding.
Hi, I had a similar problem recently when trying to use Unicode characters. For me, the problem was that the QML file itself was not in UTF-8 format. Ensure it is in UTF-8 format and then try re-running the app.
It does raise the issue of a possible bug, though - even if the file is not in UTF-8 format you can still type in non-ascii characters and see them perfectly fine in the creator, even after saving the file, giving the impression that the text has been saved correctly, when in fact it hasn't been.
Yes, that's it. Thanks for the help folks!
The problem is that Qt Creator is creating the files using the system's default, which is ISO on Windows. I had to close it on Qt Creator and convert the file in Notepad++, and set Qt Creator to always use UTF8. Now it's everything fine.
By the way, shoudn't Qt Creator be set to UTF8 by default then?
puelocesar: This is mostly a windows issue as all other OSes default to UTF-8 anyway. If we would use UTF-8 in creator by default then you would get the garbage you saw in your QML application in creator... so that is not really an option:-/
I wish windows would finally give up on the code pages and switch to unicode by default... they do support unicode ever since Win 95 times IIRC.
puelocesar: you don't need Notepad++ only select the Select Encoding option located in the Edit Menu of Qt Creator.
! Encoding)!
Cool! I didn't found that! Thanks for the tip
If you use MsWindows
CMD>lupdate YourText.qml -ts YourText.ts
1 - open YourText.ts in Linguist(C:\Qt\4.7.0\bin\linguist.exe)
2- provide a translation
3- create the release file YourText.qm.CMD> qmlviewer -translation YourText.qm YourText.qml
I opened a bug for qtcreator that this should be fixed in 2.2:
Will keep track of it. Nice discussion.
changsheng230, what do you mean? discussion was ended half a year ago, bug is already closed. Please, don't necropost.
This might not be a suitable action, sorry for that. However, I comment it for the sake of archving my "favorite" discussion so that I was able to find it in a faster way. Moreover, I will update my creator to 2.2.0 to have a try whehter it is OK.
[quote author="Denis Kormalev" date="1310274100"]changsheng230, what do you mean? discussion was ended half a year ago, bug is already closed. Please, don't necropost.[/quote] -
Thank a lot for your comments
[quote author="Eddy" date="1310279256"]Hi Changsheng, What you can do to find the articles back you like is using the rate up button. In the future there will be a way to filter those you have rated up. At this moment you could add the page to your bookmarks in your favorite web browser.[/quote]