Component setData for loading a bunch of qml files from memory.
I want to load qml files from memory using Component.setData .
The syntax is:
void QQmlComponent::setData(const QByteArray & data, const QUrl & url) [slot]What i would like to know if it is possible to load alot of components to memory and work from there, given the QUrl as their name+relative_location.
execute like ./qmltest tutorial1.qml
my current example returns this error:
QQmlComponent: Component is not ready
"file:///tmp/hello.qml:4:1: NiButton is not a type"my current example follows:
#include <QtCore>
#include <QtQuick/QtQuick>
#include <QtQml/qqml.h>
#include <QDebug>
#include <Qt/qapplication.h>QQuickItem * createComponent(QQmlEngine * in_engine, QQmlContext * in_context, QByteArray in_data, QUrl in_url=QUrl(), QQuickItem * in_parent=0) {
QQmlComponent *component = new QQmlComponent (in_engine);
component->setData(in_data, in_url);
QQuickItem *rect = qobject_cast<QQuickItem *> ( component->create(in_context) );if (!component->errors().isEmpty()) { foreach (const QQmlError &error, component->errors()) qWarning() << error.toString(); return 0; } if (in_parent) rect->setParentItem(qobject_cast<QQuickItem *>(in_parent)); return rect;
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QQuickView *qxView = new QQuickView();QString pluginImportPath; QQmlEngine* engine = qxView->engine(); if (pluginImportPath.isEmpty()) { QDir cur = QDir::current();; pluginImportPath = cur.absolutePath();
Q(pluginImportPath );
}// QQmlContext * tmp_context = new QQmlContext( qxView->rootContext());
QQmlContext * tmp_context = qxView->rootContext();app.arguments().size() ? qxView->setSource(app.arguments()[1]) : qxView->setSource(QUrl("hello.qml")); QUrl url1 = QUrl::fromLocalFile(pluginImportPath+"/"+"hello.qml"); QByteArray data1("import QtQuick 2.0\n import \".\"\n Rectangle{ width:200; height:200; color:\"red\";\nNiButton{}}"); QUrl url2 = QUrl::fromLocalFile(pluginImportPath+"/"+"NiButton.qml"); QByteArray data2("import QtQuick 2.0\n Rectangle{ width:200; height:250; color:\"green\";}"); QQuickItem * parent1 = app.arguments().size() ? qxView->rootObject() : 0 ; QQuickItem * item2 = createComponent(engine,tmp_context,data2,url2); QQuickItem * item1 = createComponent(engine,tmp_context,data1,url1,parent1); QObject::connect(qxView->engine(), SIGNAL(quit()), QCoreApplication::instance(), SLOT(quit())); qxView->show(); return app.exec();
@And a qml file to serve as qml root called tutorial1.qml:
import QtQuick 2.0Rectangle {
id: page
width: 320; height: 480
color: "lightgray"
Text {
id: helloText
text: "Hello world!"
y: 30
anchors.horizontalCenter: page.horizontalCenter
font.pointSize: 24; font.bold: true
@ -
Problem is with NiButton. Why do you create it dynamically as Item2 since you declaring it in item1?
This two files (hello.qml and NiButton.qml) are in the same directory but i think that "import "."" part is problem. Try "import ""+pluginImportPath+""\n". I suppose that import "." is not reference to hello.qml file directory.