[Solved]ListView: Changing Background color of a row from the model
I am new in QML programming (i am using QML2) and I now I am playing with the ListView.
I like to change the background of a row in my list by giving the model an additional Property.
Here is my code ( at the moment ):
@Rectangle {
id: messageListwidth: 900 height: 360 ListModel { id: myModel ListElement { msgId: 1 timeStamp: "14-Sep-2012 12:01:12" basicText: "Test" type: "Alarm" // the background color of the Line in the List bgColor: "red" } ListElement { msgId: 2 timeStamp: "14-Sep-2012 12:10:12" basicText: "Test123213213" type: "Warning" bgColor: "red" } ListElement { msgId: 3 timeStamp: "14-Sep-2012 12:10:12" basicText: "Test" type: "Technical" bgColor: "blue" } } Component { id: msgRow Item { id: topLayout width: messageList.width height: 20 // generate the background Rectangle { id: background x: 2; y: 2; width: parent.width - x*2; height: parent.height - y*2 border.color: "orange" radius: 5 color: "lightgrey" } Row { property real offset: 2 x: topLayout.x+5 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter Text { text: msgId; width: (messageList.width/100*10)} Text { text: timeStamp; width: (messageList.width/100*20)} Text { text: basicText; width: (messageList.width/100*70)} } } } ListView { model: myModel delegate: msgRow }
@Has anybody a hint for me how to do this?
best regards