Using Qt Add-ons
I don't know what "add-ons" you need, but I have built qt5 from git and there is a modul called
there are example for bluetooth in the directory.
See allso the Project-File in the examples cause you have to configure QT to use the modul (QT += concurrent bluetooth widgets)
hope this helps
best regards
Harry -
Yep seems like "qtconnectivity" is exactly what I need ! Thank you !
I was looking for something like qtbluetooth at first, this is why I couldn't find it , plus It's in the beta version, not in the alpha contrary to what is said there: basically there's nothing special to do since qtconnectivity is already included in the beta package. Can't see the difference between Essentials and Add ons then...
Though I have issues while running the configure and build :/ Still working on that... Did it happened to you as well Harry ?
Hello !
I'm trying to use qtconnectivity add-on in Qt creator but it's not working. I have built qt5 from git but Qt creator displays this error message:
@Unknown module(s) in QT: bluetooth@I only added this following line to my .pro file:
@QT += bluetooth@Does anyone of you know why ? I'm using Qtcreator 2.8.1 based on Qt 5.1.1 in Ubuntu 12.04.3.
Thanks in advance guys,
Best regard,
Loïc. -
Qt Bluetooth is released with Qt 5.2. Update your git repository (make sure you also get qtconnectivity.git) and build, or just download and install the Qt 5.2 beta from
Thank you for your answer, I installed Qt 5.2 with .run file. And now when I'm trying to compile my project with Qt creator (here is my version):
@Qt Creator 2.8.82 (3.0.0-beta)
Basé sur Qt 5.2.0 (GCC 4.6.1, 32 bit)
Compilé le Oct 22 2013 à 16:29:33
Depuis la révision f5fa022de5@The compiler seems to find Bluetooth library but I have some problem with udev:
@cannot find -ludev@
/!\ SOLVED : The name of the repository to install is "libudev-dev". (for ubuntu just type "sudo apt-get install libudev-dev"). Thank you strahlex !
/Edit:And I don't have this problem with the other version of Qtcreator (using Qt5.1.1 libraries). I don't think the problem come from my code maybe it come from my .pro file:
@#TEMPLATE = app
HEADERS += MainWin.h
SOURCES += main.cpp MainWin.cpp
QT += core gui serialport bluetooth
greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets@I will try to update and build my git repository. If you have any idea I will be really glad to read your solutions. ;)
Anyway thanks for your help and your reactivity.
Loïc. -
@Sanctlon: Install libudev-dev from your software repos.
In this repo:
is a QtConnectivity module with Android support. How can I build it for Qt 5.2 RC1?