How to fix QAudioOutput on Xubuntu?
I bring my working program from Window Vista, Everthing is working correctly. Phonon::VideoWidget is working currectly.
But QAudioIput/QAudioOutput do not work and I've got this warning by running it from Qt Creator:WARNING: Phonon needs QCoreApplication::applicationName to be set to export audio output names through the DBUS interface
Qt Application(11061)/phonon (KDE plugin): Can not create backend object from factory for "GStreamer" , "phonon_gstreamer" :
"Could not find plugin 'GStreamer' for application 'Qt Application'"
Qt Application(11061)/phonon (KDE plugin): QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown", "The name org.kde.kded was not provided by any .service files")
Qt Application(11061)/phonon (KDE plugin): QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown", "The name org.kde.kded was not provided by any .service files") -
Make sure you have the "phonon-backend-gstreamer": package installed, it includes the GStreamer Phonon backend plugin.