Very basic: How to send SpinBox's value to function, and use the new value
I have a big problem that I can't solve by myself. I have already spent hours searching for solution, and I am sure it's very easy.
The important lines start from 20th line, but maybe others will be useful, so I'm showing it too.@#include <QtGui>
#include "unit_converter.h"unit_converter::unit_converter(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent)
unit_converterMainLayout = new QGridLayout;
setLayout(unit_converterMainLayout);//DISTANCE'S GROUPBOX distanceGroupBox = new QGroupBox("Distancia"); distanceGridLayout = new QGridLayout(distanceGroupBox); unit_converterMainLayout->addWidget(distanceGroupBox, 0, 0); a_distance = new QSpinBox; unitDistance = new QComboBox; unitDistance->addItem("Kilometros"); distanceGridLayout->addWidget(a_distance, 0, 0); distanceGridLayout->addWidget(unitDistance, 0, 1); //I would like to pass a_distance's value to kmToM() function and write the new value to b int b; b = unit_converter::kmToM(); //Then, I will want to use the value b in new QLabel: QLabel *bLabel = new QLabel("b"); distanceGridLayout->addWidget(bLabel, 1, 0);
int unit_converter::kmToM(int a)
return a * 1000;
}@Thank you very much for any help, and don't be angry because of my English. I hope I have explained my problem clearly enough.
You use QSpinBox::value() to get the current value of the QSpinBox, but it won't be very useful in the constructor (probably defaults to 0).
You can use the valueChanged() signal connected to a slot to recompute the value as the spin box changes. Something like this;
class Example: public QWidget
Example(QWidget *p = 0): QWidget(p) {
QSpinBox *spin = new QSpinBox(this);
m_result = new QLabel("Result", this);
QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
setLayout(layout);connect(spin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(compute(int))); spin->setMinimum(0); spin->setMaximum(100); spin->setValue(10); }
public slots:
void compute(int v) {
m_result->setText( QString::number(v * 1000) );
QLabel *m_result;
@Also look in Qt Assistant for the Spin Box Example