Timer question
How do I do to restart a QTimer of 1 minute in one function called PushButtonHandler each time I push a button, how do I stop the running timer, I cant use Timer->stop() before the declaration of the QTimer!!!!!!!, already tried if (isActive(&Timer)==TRUE ), does't work,Help please.
void MainWindow::PushButtonHandler()
if (seconds==0)
seconds=10;//if (isActive(&Timer)==TRUE )????????????????? // Timer->stop();????????????????????? // if (QTimer::isActive ())=TRUE)?????????????????? // QTimer::~QTimer ()); ???????????????? t=t+5; seconds=seconds+5; } while (seconds>45); if (seconds==45) seconds=15; ui->lcdNumber_2->display(seconds); if (t>=6) { t--; QTimer *Timer = new QTimer(this); Timer->setInterval(36000); Timer->setSingleShot(true); connect(Timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(Timer())); Timer->start(); }
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[Moderator's note: I split this into its own thread. Please start new threads for new questions, even if they're "sort of" related to an old thread.]
But to answer your question, make the QTimer * a member of your class rather than a locally-created timer in the handler. (So you only create one timer.)
Then you can just call theTimer->start() to start/restart it, or theTimer->stop() to stop it.
Also, as a side note, never call a destructor explicitly! You'd want to use delete to delete a timer, if that's what you wanted to do.