Drag and drop between QTableView and QGraphicsView (from model to model)
What I have done till now:
drag side:
I have a subclassed QTableView. I reimplemented the mouseMoveEvent function. Here I assembled the mimedata and started the drag.
This event is running good when I drag a row from the table.drop side:
This is a subclassed QGraphicsView, here I have some pixmap on the scene (and on the view). I reimplemented the dragEnterEvent what is running good.But:
I reimplemented the dropEvent too, but this event doesn't run at all...@
void DisplayLayout::dropEvent(QDropEvent* event)
qDebug() << "dropEvent" ;
(And what is the different between event->acceptProposedAction(); and event->setAccepted(true); ?)
Another "helpful wiki entry":https://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/model-view-programming.html#using-drag-and-drop-with-item-views on the subject.
Make sure you have enabled drag & drop in both views, and that the mime data is accepted.
Thx the link, I've read this article.
My mimedata seems to be good.
I've set in the views the setDragEnabled(true) and setAcceptDrops(true);What I'd like to: select a row in the table (get the ID), and I pass this ID into the graphicsview, and added a pixmap with this ID.
But I have no succes :(