Hi all,
I am new on this forum and new to QT programming. I have a good background in programming microcontrolers in C++ and a bunch of other languages. However, I am struggling with a few basic (I think) points in QT C++ programming.
Here is the code I am working on
@#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
ui->setupUi(this);//allocate de l,espace pour plugNPlay comme étant HID_PnP plugNPlay = new HID_PnP(); //connecter le bouton ToggleLEDS à la fonction toggle_leds() de plugNPlay (hid_pnp.cPP). Cette dernière fonction met à 1 ou 2 un bit connect(this, SIGNAL(toggle_leds_button_pressed()), plugNPlay, SLOT(toggle_leds())); connect(this, SIGNAL(delay_changed()),plugNPlay,SLOT(pulses_changed())); connect(this, SIGNAL(numpulse_changed()),plugNPlay,SLOT(pulses_changed())); connect(this, SIGNAL(ontimepulse_changed()),plugNPlay,SLOT(pulses_changed())); connect(this, SIGNAL(onduration_changed()),plugNPlay,SLOT(pulses_changed())); connect(this, SIGNAL(start_pulses()),plugNPlay,SLOT(pulses_go())); //connect(this, SIGNAL(pulse_gui(int, int, int, int)), plugNPlay, SLOT(update_pulse(int, int, int, int))); //connecter la fonction hid_comm_update à l'interface connect(plugNPlay, SIGNAL(hid_comm_update(bool, bool, int)), this, SLOT(update_gui(bool, bool, int)));
disconnect(this, SIGNAL(toggle_leds_button_pressed()), plugNPlay, SLOT(toggle_leds()));
disconnect(plugNPlay, SIGNAL(hid_comm_update(bool, bool, int)), this, SLOT(update_gui(bool, bool, int)));
delete ui;
delete plugNPlay;
}void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
emit toggle_leds_button_pressed();
}void MainWindow::update_gui(bool isConnected, bool isPressed, int potentiometerValue)
ui->progressBar->setEnabled(true);ui->deviceConnectedStatus->setText("Device Found: AttachedState = TRUE"); if(isPressed) ui->pushbuttonStatus->setText("Pushbutton State: Pressed"); else ui->pushbuttonStatus->setText("Pushbutton State: Not Pressed"); ui->progressBar->setValue(potentiometerValue); } else { ui->label_2->setEnabled(false); ui->pushButton->setEnabled(false); ui->pushbuttonStatus->setEnabled(false); ui->progressBar->setEnabled(false); ui->deviceConnectedStatus->setText("Device Not Detected: Verify Connection/Correct Firmware"); ui->pushbuttonStatus->setText("Pushbutton State: Unknown"); ui->progressBar->setValue(0); }
void MainWindow::on_edit_delay_textChanged(const QString &delay)
emit delay_changed();
int delayI = delay.toInt();}
void MainWindow::on_number_pulse_textChanged(const QString &npulse)
emit numpulse_changed();
int npulseI = npulse.toInt();
}void MainWindow::on_pulse_time_textChanged(const QString &timepulse)
emit ontimepulse_changed();
int timepulseI = timepulse.toInt();
}void MainWindow::on_edit_duration_textChanged(const QString &duration)
emit onduration_changed();
int ondurationI = duration.toInt();
}void MainWindow::on_pb_start_single_pressed()
emit start_pulses();
@On line 76, I want to take the value from the delay Qline in the GUI interface and put it into a variable that I will then connect with the plugNPlay part of my code.
THe problem is that I get a "Undeclared identifier" error
here is the header of the code
#define MAINWINDOW_H#include <QMainWindow>
#include "hid_pnp.h"namespace Ui {
class MainWindow;
}class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
Ui::MainWindow *ui;
HID_PnP *plugNPlay;public slots:
void update_gui(bool isConnected, bool isPressed, int potentiometerValue);
// void pulse_gui(int delay, int npulse, int timepulse, int duration);signals:
void toggle_leds_button_pressed();
void delay_changed();
void numpulse_changed();
void ontimepulse_changed();
void onduration_changed();
void start_pulses();private slots:
void on_pushButton_clicked();
void on_edit_delay_textChanged(const QString &arg1);
void on_number_pulse_textChanged(const QString &arg1);
void on_pulse_time_textChanged(const QString &arg1);
void on_edit_duration_textChanged(const QString &arg1);
void on_pb_start_single_pressed();
};#endif // MAINWINDOW_H
@Thanks for your help
try to get value before you emit signal:
int delayI = delay.toInt();
emit delay_changed();
@if it doesn't help, the problem is elsewhere... And you know what delayI will be local variable in this function and not accessible from elsewhere...
So, maybe you want to do something like that:
this->plugNPlay->delay = delay.toint();
emit delay_changed();
@ -
It was just an example. You should look in HID_PnP class for variable name reference. Take a look which variable is used in the pulses_changed() function of HID_PnP.
Or post HID_PnP class here.
Thanks for your help.. here is the HID_PnP class. I want to send the variable delay to usb via PollUSB function.
@#include "hid_pnp.h"
HID_PnP::HID_PnP(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) {
isConnected = false;
pushbuttonStatus = false;
potentiometerValue = 0;
toggleLeds = 0;device = NULL; buf[0] = 0x00; buf[1] = 0x37; memset((void*)&buf[2], 0x00, sizeof(buf) - 2); timer = new QTimer(); connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(PollUSB())); timer->start(250);
HID_PnP::~HID_PnP() {
disconnect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(PollUSB()));
/*void HID_PnP::update_pulse(int delayI, int npulseI, int timepulseI, int durationI){disconnect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(PollUSB()));
buf[0] = 0x40;//envoie les infor pour toggling buf[1]= delayI; buf[2]= npulseI; buf[3]= timepulseI; buf[4]= durationI; if (hid_write(device, buf, sizeof(buf)) == -1) { CloseDevice(); return; }
connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(PollUSB()));
void HID_PnP::PollUSB()
buf[0] = 0x00;
memset((void*)&buf[2], 0x00, sizeof(buf) - 2);if (isConnected == false) { device = hid_open(0x04d8, 0x003f, NULL); if (device) { isConnected = true; hid_set_nonblocking(device, true); timer->start(15); } } else { if(toggleLeds == true) { toggleLeds = false; //envoie la commande toggle au PIC buf[1] = 0x40; buf[2] = 0x90; buf[3] = 0x90; //écrire et si on a recu une erreur lors du write on ferme le device pour le réouvrir plus tard.. retourne -1 si erreur if (hid_write(device, buf, sizeof(buf)) == -1) { CloseDevice(); return; } //charge buffer for potentiomètre et bouton-poussoir buf[0] = 0x00; buf[1] = 0x37; memset((void*)&buf[2], 0x00, sizeof(buf) - 2); } //écrire 37 et si on a recu une erreur lors du write on ferme le device pour le réouvrir plus tard.. retourne -1 si erreur //ceci va permettre d'aller chercher la valeur du potentiomètre (37) if (hid_write(device, buf, sizeof(buf)) == -1) { CloseDevice(); return; } //lire ce que le PIC a à nous dire if(hid_read(device, buf, sizeof(buf)) == -1) { CloseDevice(); return; } //si le PIC retourne 37, il veut parler du potentiomètre if(buf[0] == 0x37) { potentiometerValue = (buf[2]<<8) + buf[1]; buf[1] = 0x81; } //si le PIC retourne 81, il veut parler du pushbutton Status else if(buf[0] == 0x81) { pushbuttonStatus = (buf[1] == 0x00); buf[1] = 0x37; } } hid_comm_update(isConnected, pushbuttonStatus, potentiometerValue);
//toggle led??
void HID_PnP::toggle_leds() {
toggleLeds = true;
}void HID_PnP::pulses_changed() {
pulseschanged = true;
void HID_PnP::pulses_go() {
pulsesGO = true;
}void HID_PnP::CloseDevice() {
device = NULL;
isConnected = false;
pushbuttonStatus = false;
potentiometerValue = 0;
toggleLeds = 0;
hid_comm_update(isConnected, pushbuttonStatus, potentiometerValue);
@ -
Show the class declaration from the header file too...
ok.. here it is
Thanks for your help!
@#ifndef HID_PNP_H
#define HID_PNP_H#include <QObject>
#include <QTimer>
#include "../HIDAPI/hidapi.h"#include <wchar.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>#define MAX_STR 65
class HID_PnP : public QObject
explicit HID_PnP(QObject *parent = 0);
void hid_comm_update(bool isConnected, bool isPressed, int potentiometerValue);public slots:
void toggle_leds();
void pulses_changed();
void PollUSB();
void pulses_go();
//void update_pulse(int delayI, int npulseI, int timepulseI, int durationI);private:
bool isConnected;
bool pushbuttonStatus;
bool toggleLeds;
bool pulseschanged;
bool pulsesGO;
int potentiometerValue;hid_device *device; QTimer *timer; unsigned char buf[MAX_STR]; void CloseDevice();
#endif // HID_PNP_H
@ -
explicit HID_PnP(QObject *parent = 0);
//Your delay variable here
int MyDelay;
HID_PnP::HID_PnP(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) {
isConnected = false;
pushbuttonStatus = false;
potentiometerValue = 0;
toggleLeds = 0;
MyDelay = -1;
void MainWindow::on_edit_delay_textChanged(const QString &delay)
emit delay_changed();
plugNPlay->MyDelay = delay.toInt();
void HID_PnP::PollUSB()
//check if your delay is set
if(this->MyDelay != -1)
//do whatever you need
@ -
I'm glad I could help you. Please add "[SOLVED]" prefix left to the topic subject. Thanks!