Translations for Qt Creator 2.0
Qt Creator 1.3 had support for Japanese, this was also in the 2.0 beta but the release version of 2.0 has dropped the Japanese support: the .pro file for the translations has several languages commented out:
@LANGUAGES = de pl ru
#LANGUAGES = cs es fr hu it ja sl@Is there any particular reason for this - or have the translations just not been updated yet?
The english, german and polish translations are done by Nokians and always available when we release Qt creator. All other translations are contributed by community members and get included as they become available to us.
A big thank you to all the people who have taken the time to help make creator more useful by translating it!
For the French version, we (the Qt redaction team of community) are currently working to update the translation.
We have been taken over by the release of Qt Creator 2.0 but we will fix this for the release of Qt Creator 2.1.When a new version of Qt Creator is scheduled, I think that you should not hesitate to recontact the translation teams.
I just created a new "wiki page": for translation related information.
@Guillaume: It would be cool if you could add your Frensh translation there!
Thanks for the reply. I also appreciate all the work that goes into the translation.
I just noticed, that Qt Labs Japan already has a Japanese translation available:
(The linked page is in Japanese but it contains a download for the qm file and a link to a sourceforge project site)
Thanks for the link.
I added a comment asking whether they considered having their translation merger back into creator. At least I hope I did... since I could not really read anything on that page:-)