Cannot run executable release application (only while Qwt is used)
Hello, I have a problem with running .exe application from release mode. I have Qt 4.7.4 and Qwt 6.0. In Qt the application runs perfectly, the problem occures only when I use in my code Qwt plot. The error says:
The procedure entry point ?pen@QGraphicsLineItem@@QBE?AVQPen22XZ could not be located in the dynamic link library QtGui4.dll.
In the folder, where my app is, I have QtGui4.dll, QtCore4.dll and qwt.dll. Do you have any idea, how can I eliminate the problem and run the file? 4.dll, QtCore4.dll and qwt.dll. Do you have any idea, how can I eliminate the problem and run the file?